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Event Type

Cedars Restaurants

(1454 review) / Seattle

Cedars Restaurants offers a distinct fusion of Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean Cuisine. Their extensive menu features regional favorites like vindaloo, korma, and butter chicken, accompanied by a wide selection of naan and perfectly brewed ...

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On Safari Foods

(87 review) / Seattle

On Safari Foods, a locally owned and operated catering company in Seattle, stands out for its focus on sustainable catering and corporate food service. With 28 years of experience, they prioritize delivering high-quality food at reasonable prices....

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Jewel of India Seattle

(577 review) / Seattle

Jewel of India Seattle is a renowned, family-owned restaurant renowned for its authentic Northern and Southern Indian cuisine. With exceptional customer service, it offers a top-notch Indian fine dining experience, catering to both University of Wash...

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Blue Ribbon Cooking

(61 review) / Seattle

The Blue Ribbon Cooking team is led by Adam and Vanessa Smith, a married couple. Vanessa's background in event planning allows her to assist brides in creating the ideal menu and discussing the latest flower trends. Adam manages the kitchen team, uti...

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Masala of India Cuisine

(929 review) / Seattle

Masala of India Cuisine is a restaurant known for its inviting atmosphere, delectable dishes, and attentive staff who have a genuine love for Indian cuisine and exceptional hospitality. Led by Mr. Sanjay Sharma, who warmly greets every guest, the est...

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