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Notorious Entertainment

(14 review) / Pittsburgh

Notorious Entertainment was founded and established by Harvinder (DJ Harvey) and Sanampreet (Dholi/DJ Sunny). They cherish the versatility that the community brings to the South Asian events and strive to create a personalized experience....

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Desi Soundz Entertainment

(15 review) / Pittsburgh

Since 2006, DJ Desi Soundz is an established Entertainment and Lighting company that thrives at making sure that the best entertainment is provided for their client's event to be successful and memorable....

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Crown Entertainment

(19 review) / Pittsburgh

Crown Entertainment is a DJ, Lighting, Production, Photobooth, & Dhol company based out of Cleveland, Ohio. They offers the finest event services and work closely with each client to customize the perfect package to fit your style & budget....

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DJ Jason Rullo

(15 review) / Pittsburgh

With over 22 years of experience, DJ Jason Rullo & team bring passion, professionalism, knowledge, and planning creativity to your Pittsburgh Wedding or Private Event....

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