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DJ A-Slam

(0 review) / Vancouver

Born in the clubs and raised in the recording studio, Global Party Starters is a DJ/Production crew hailing from Vancouver, BC, Canada, comprised of Juno Award Nominee DJ A-SLAM and protege DJ REKing....

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Qtown Productions

(12 review) / Vancouver

Q-Town Production djs are a very versatile group that is always innovative in there craft of djing and can dj any type of genre. From small party’s to big party’s they can do them all....

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DJ Diablo

(0 review) / Vancouver

DJ DIablo started Lucid entertainment on July 2021 where his aim is to offer the best in performance, customer service and experience. They are big on diversity and people coming together. Their catalogue of music and services caters to all cultures ...

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DJ Heer

(3 review) / Vancouver

DJ Heer AKA Harjovan Singh Heer is the Host of the Simply Bhangra Show on Rukus Avenue Radio as well as an International Bhangra & Bollywood DJ who has toured in several countries around the world ranging from club events, festivals, and weddings....

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DJ Gary SuperSingh

(0 review) / Vancouver

Gary Singh is a part of MIB Roadshow, where a group of professional DJ artists who are determined to bring dance floors to life. The team - Amor, Emenes, Harmonic, Kemistry, and Super Singh - nurtures a wide range of dj styles and is well versed in s...

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2 Scoop Productions

(0 review) / Vancouver

2 Scoops Productions is the professional, interactive mobile disc jockey company and event productions specialists. They provide the ultimate entertainment experience that is tailored to your personal needs. With over 15 years of professional DJ expe...

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DJ A-Slam

( review) / Vancouver

Born in the clubs and raised in the recording studio, Global Party Starters is a DJ/Production crew hailing from Vancouver, BC, Canada, comprised of Juno Award Nominee DJ A-SLAM and protege DJ REKing....

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Qtown Productions

(12 review) / Vancouver

Q-Town Production DJs are a very versatile group that is always innovative in there craft of djing and can dj any type of genre. From small party’s to big party’s they can do them all....

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DJ Diablo

( review) / Vancouver

DJ DIablo started Lucid entertainment on July 2021 where his aim is to offer the best in performance, customer service and experience. They are big on diversity and people coming together. Their catalogue of music and services caters to all cultures ...

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DJ Heer

(3 review) / Vancouver

DJ Heer AKA Harjovan Singh Heer is the Host of the Simply Bhangra Show on Rukus Avenue Radio as well as an International Bhangra & Bollywood DJ who has toured in several countries around the world ranging from club events, festivals, and weddings....

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DJ Gary Super Singh

( review) / Vancouver

Gary Singh is a part of MIB Roadshow, where a group of professional DJ artists who are determined to bring dance floors to life. The team - Amor, Emenes, Harmonic, Kemistry, and Super Singh - nurtures a wide range of dj styles and is well versed in s...

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Band Bajha Entertainment

( review) / Vancouver

Band Bajha Entertainment provides a wide variety of live music options to create a fresh, hip and exciting atmosphere for events like weddings, cocktail parties, and other kind of festive events. They can customise the event perfectly to fit the tast...

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Aftershock Roadshow

(13 review) / Vancouver

With more than 20 years of experience in the entertainment business, located in Surrey, British Columbia, Aftershock Roadshow is a company that specializes in providing the ultimate DJ experience for weddings and other special events....

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DJ Veer

( review) / Vancouver

Rajanveer Singh Gill, also known by his stage name VEER, is a Canadian performing artist, music producer/remixer and multi-faceted DJ....

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DJ Xtatic

( review) / Vancouver

Upon the original tracks DJ Xtatic includes transitions, segways, and exclusive remixes. He is pure energy punching in songs on point, exciting crowds, and hyping up bland dance floors....

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