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Krishna Sulakhe

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Parag Dave

(25 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known f...

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Dvijen Bhatt

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Hemant Vaidya

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Jagdish Joshi

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Kanubhai Mehta

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Khushvadan Trivedi

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Rajendra Jani

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Vibhakar Trivedi

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Subhash Shukla

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Kusum Patel

(0 review) / Chicago

"Namaste! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Hindu wedding ceremony. A hindu wedding ceremony is based on a Vedic yajna ritual and three key rituals are almost universal: Kanyadan, Panigrahana, and Saptapadi. Hindu weddings known for th...

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Jain Center Of Metropolitan Chicago

(39 review) / Chicago

"Jai Jeenendra! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Jain weddings, which is a part of Hindu wedding ceremony but the rituals and the practices are a little different then the rest of the Hindu ceremony. Jain weddings are typically simple...

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"Sat Sri Akal! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Sikh Weddings, which is known as the Anand Karaj. Like any other traditional Indian wedding ceremony, Anand Karaj also has Pheras, called Laavan or Laavan Phere; to solemnize the wedding...

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Illinois Sikh Community Center

(172 review) / Chicago

"Sat Sri Akal! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Sikh Weddings, which is known as the Anand Karaj. Like any other traditional Indian wedding ceremony, Anand Karaj also has Pheras, called Laavan or Laavan Phere; to solemnize the we...

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Devon Gurudwara Sahib of Chicago

(27 review) / Chicago

"Sat Sri Akal! One of the South Asian wedding ceremonies is the Sikh Weddings, which is known as the Anand Karaj. Like any other traditional Indian wedding ceremony, Anand Karaj also has Pheras, called Laavan or Laavan Phere; to solemnize the wedding...

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