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Islamic Center of Pittsburgh

(258 review) / Pittsburgh

Christopher J. Caras, now an Imam, embraced Islam during high school in October 2001 in Peoria, Illinois. Raised Christian and aspiring to be the U.S. president, Chris, captivated by the Quran's profound message, converted despite never having met a ...

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Masjid al-Mu'min of Pittsburgh

(43 review) / Pittsburgh

Masjid al-Mu'min in Pittsburgh, led by Imam Na'eem Abdullah, has thrived for over 30 years, committed to promoting Islam's true essence and serving Allah. The mosque, a Sunni community, works tirelessly to revive Islamic spirit and follows the Prophe...

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Prabhakar Sharma

( review) / Pittsburgh

Delegate the hassle of arranging Havan items to Prabhakar Sharma, your Pujari and Wedding Minister. Focus on enjoying your special day while Prabhakar ensures all ceremony items are in order. He tailors ceremonies to your preferences, offering elegan...

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