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The inauguration of Sri Ganesh Temple in Vancouver took place due to the efforts of a group of British Columbia well-wishers who recognized the spiritual necessity of a Lord Ganesh temple. In 1999, the Temple Society gained charitable status in Briti...

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Masjid Omar Al-Farooq

(140 review) / Vancouver

The Othman Bin Affan Islamic Society, established in 2012, is a charitable Islamic organization. Its mission, focused on promoting and practicing Islamic teachings as per the Quran and the Sunnah, aims to foster Islam's growth and manifestation withi...

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KDS Ross Sikh Temple

(187 review) / Vancouver

The Khalsa Diwan Society, a pioneering Sikh organization, was founded on July 22, 1902, in Canada, America, and officially established in 1906. In 1908, they acquired land and constructed the inaugural Sikh Gurdwara at 1866 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver...

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Sikh Priest Destination Wedding

(124 review) / Vancouver

With over two decades of experience, the Sikh Priest Destination Wedding team has provided expert Sikh Indian Wedding Priest services globally. Their deep expertise as Gyanis ensures seamless traditional or Interfaith Sikh weddings, preserving all es...

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