Find the Perfect Wedding Photographers in Montreal

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You pay a wedding planner $15k to find you vendors.

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You enter your city & requirements, look through vendors, and save them to your 'cart' ❤️, checking out with a customized, a-la-carte wedding plan.

Yvon Photography

(87 review) / Montreal

Yvon is a photographer who specialises in wedding photography, based in Montreal. His style of photography is a mix of candid moments and naturally posed pictures. He shoots portraits too. Yvon is passionate about his work and his goal is to offer mo...

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Anushan Photography

(25 review) / Montreal

Anushan Photography is a Montreal based photography company that specializes in professional wedding photography services for brides and grooms anywhere in Canada and beyond. The lead photographer, Anushan combines contemporary, portraiture and photo...

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Magicshot Photography

(26 review) / Montreal

To cherish the special days memories they love to lend emotions, happiness and bond in one frame for you.And the pictures are complete in exuberance and elegance as couples....

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RS Lens

(14 review) / Montreal

RS lens, a Montreal based firm, is lead by Rakishan Sivasubramaniam, a JMSB student aspiring to become a professional photographer. He specialises in capturing professional portraits and is extremely professional. He wants his clients to have a good ...

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Media Vision

(58 review) / Montreal

With the vision of filling extraordinary elements in each of your photographs and adding up some best shots, angles and candid for your perfect clicks and classy backgrounds....

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Kerstin Hahn Photography

(31 review) / Montreal

Kerstin! is a Montreal-based photographer capturing modern romantic love stories all over the world. Her photography style is warm, bright and natural and her goal is to capture real, raw and authentic moments. She wants her clients to be comfortable...

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Ness Photography

(49 review) / Montreal

Wedding and lifestyle photographer Ines, is pretty prinstine in highlighting brides feature and pop of colourful attries and unconditional love couple shower on each other via her lens....

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Dream Artz Media

(0 review) / Montreal

His pictures speak more about captures which are candid, closeup, happy faces and wedding rituals that could not be missed.He not only covers weddings, but engagements, reception, events, portraits and short films too. ...

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Yasmine Montreal Photographer

(27 review) / Montreal

Yasmine is a French Canadian photographer working in the Montreal area and specialize mainly in couple photography, weddings and portrait. She believes that,''Photographer don't search for beauty, they find the perfect way to show the world it is sur...

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Lotuz Photography

(3 review) / Montreal

Over the past 11years, lotuz photography has been crafting the couple stories into art through their camera and bringing smile on their faces with ease. Selvan, the lead, makes sure to be in contact with the clients from the beginning till the end of...

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