Find the Perfect Wedding Photographers in Phoenix

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Santiago Almada Photography

(36 review) / Phoenix

South Asian weddings is one of their specialties. It is their desire to capture the loving family atmosphere and ceremonies that encompass this important moral value with each photograph. ...

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Rachel Solomon Photography

(26 review) / Phoenix

Rachel is a true artist with understanding of light, composition and the emotions that photographs can evoke. She is fun to be around, very professional, and put us all at ease. ...

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Elle Venture Phtography

(0 review) / Phoenix

Jennelle is an professional wedding photographer based in Sacramento, California who loves traveling and like destination weddings. She strives to showcase true-to-life colors while simply enhancing what is naturally there and adding her personal, si...

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Nina Paz Photography

(9 review) / Phoenix

Being a passionate photographer, Nina fell in love with shooting weddings long back. She wanted to just try out her hands in shooting and wanted to assist few good studios, where she learnt her love for this art and specialising in capturing weddings...

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Shan Photography

(85 review) / Phoenix

Shan photography has many outlets and one of them is in Phoenix. Apart from their wedding photography services, they also specialize in capturing specific ceremonies. They are Indian wedding photographers in Phoenix Arizona and captures beautiful sce...

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Sameer Soorma Photography

(23 review) / Phoenix

When shooting a wedding, Sameer Soorma uses a photojournalistic approach. Capturing the day as it unfolds through the eyes of his lens, and documenting every step of the way. ...

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Ben and Kelly Photography

(6 review) / Phoenix

Ben and Kelly are a couple who believes in capturing every couples uniqueness. They believe that the couples deserve to be celebrated and that their story should be told in as beautifully of a way possible....

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Serendipity Photography

(10 review) / Phoenix

Their pics and films are organic. They let the day unfold naturally and capture the story and emotion of the couple and those who love them most. So it becomes a timeless wedding shoot and film that you will love and share for years to come....

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Looking for South Asian Wedding Photographers in Phoenix?

A wedding is incomplete without a photographer shooting it for the couple to treasure forever. With the creative mode, the photographer can create unique, everlasting memories to treasure for a lifetime for the clients. The best part about the career as a wedding photographer is not only it is creatively rewarding but financially too. It is not just an art form but also includes various styles so that the couple can go with whatever style they like the most. 

Find the Best Photographers in Phoenix

Are you searching for the best Phoenix wedding photographers that can turn your beautiful wedding into a memory worth treasuring? Phoenix has some amazing venues for weddings and we have a list of wonderful wedding photographers who have an eye for details and understand the nuances of South Asian Wedding events. 

Types of Wedding Photographers

We know deciding on a photographer is a tough task as he/she will be the one making sure your memories from the most special day remain with you forever. The first thing you and your partner need to do is Gain full knowledge about the styles of wedding photography and then decide on what style of wedding photography you guys want for your wedding. To help you make the decision a bit easier, we have mentioned below a few styles of photography that are in trend for weddings:

1. Traditional Photography

The traditional style is where the photographer will ask the couple, the families, and the other guests to stand in a way and pose when shooting. It is a very basic kind of style with no creative elements as such.

2. Editorial Photography

This is the style of photography where the photographer taps into his creative side and the style will allow you to have a wedding album looking like a fashion magazine shoot. Most of the editorial shoot is done pre or post-wedding festivities with a background, theme, and colors.

3. Artistic Photography

Artistic photography is about shooting an image with creativity and the photographer has the power to turn a simple moment into a major one by using this style for the wedding. Nowadays, couples like to include artistic images in their wedding album which look great and edgy. 

4. Flash Photography

Who wouldn't like to be treated as a celebrity on their most special day, right? This is where flash photography comes into the picture. Flash photography style is a perfect way in which the flashlight is directly focused on the couple and gives a paparazzi-style look to the pictures.

The Ultimate Guide to Hire the Best Wedding Photographers in Phoenix

Every couple has their dream wedding planned in their mind and how that wedding will be captured by the photographer. The aim is to get a photographer who understands the kind of wedding you are having, what style you prefer, and whether will he be able to deliver the result you are expecting, etc. 

What to remember while Hiring a Wedding Photographer?

1. Budget

According to research, your wedding photography cost should only comprise 10% of your total wedding budget. The most important part before planning a wedding and go for selecting vendors is setting a budget for the whole wedding. Before setting the budget it would be smart to talk about the wedding photographers in Phoenix and their style of photography and rates. 

2. Research

Another thing to remember before finalizing anybody is to go for thorough research. The research will help you understand many things like what kind of style you actually will go for the wedding, whether you want those drone shots or not, and other things. Sometimes, you will go out thinking one thing but while looking for it you understand that something else looks better. Similarly, you might go to the photographer with a few styles in your mind but discussing with the photographer and having a chat with other people might change your decisions. 

3. Additional Queries

A couple can have doubts and queries like when the photographer wants to be paid in advance, when will they deliver the album to you, which paper they will use for the album, or do they want you around while editing the images, etc. All these are important for you to ask the photographer so that it can save you time, energy, and money. 

What to discuss with your Wedding Photographer?

1. Introduction

An introduction helps in breaking the ice and cutting the awkwardness between the client and the photographer. Ask them what he/she like about weddings, and then a little bit of personal information. All this will help in creating a personal bond that will in return help while shooting. 

2. Backup

A backup plan with a photographer should be the second thing the couple should talk about after the style and the budget. Numerous photographers send another person to their place when something like this occurs.

3. Wedding Packages

After you discuss the style and process, do discuss the wedding packages they provide and what is included in them. Knowing what is there in the package and the process will make your mind clearer whether you want to stick with this one or move to someone else. 

Why Hire Top Wedding Photographers in Phoenix

A good photographer is a need for a wedding, you cannot go without it and especially in the age of social media. And a photographer is what will make your wedding moments cherish-worthy. You would also like to hire a photographer who delivers you a quality service and high-quality images with good editing skills. Hiring a good wedding photographer is not a difficult task. All you have to do is understand your requirements first and then go on a search mission.

Mistakes to avoid while Hiring a Wedding Photographer in Phoenix

We have already mentioned how talented are the wedding photographers of Phoenix, but as a client, there can be mistakes that the couple can commit while hiring a photographer for their special day. In a jiffy and haste, there are millions of couples who got married to a photographer who could not deliver them the service they expected and desired. What is the use of having such a gala wedding, if the photographer did not even capture the special moments properly? So, to save you from all the agony here we have mentioned a few ways that you can keep in mind and do it while hiring a photographer who can capture your dream wedding. 

1. Showing Venue

It would be very helpful for the couple and the photographer to see the wedding location once before the main day and the pre-wedding festivities starts. This way, both the party can discuss the way they will proceed with the shoot. This will also be a great time to make a bond with the photographer on a personal level, after all, they are going to capture your wedding. A little bit of personal connection will only enhance the experience. 

2. Rates

Rates of every photographer can be fixed but other services can end up costing a bit differently than the others. And the first rookie mistake most the couple does is to judge the photographer by the rates. Never do that! That is the way many couples end up paying loads of money and in return get bad service and outcomes. Then some couples go for an affordable-priced wedding photographer and end up being more than satisfied. So do not judge any photographer via their rates. 

3. Separate Photographers

Hiring two photographers from both sides, in our opinion, might somewhere create unnecessary chaos and can destroy the beauty of your wedding. Instead, hire one team of photographers who can divide their work and work accordingly. Hiring one for both sides will save a lot of confusion too. 

4. Check their Work

When we say to check out their work, we mean a full wedding album of one or two of their clients. At least check two of their wedding albums one after another to check the consistency and evolvement of their work as they move forward with their profession.

Wedding Photographers in Phoenix with Prices

Now that we have discussed so much about the best wedding photographers in Phoenix and what to consider and what not while hiring one, let’s look at their prices. 

Phoenix's wedding photographer prices are 19% below the US national average. On average, a one-hour shoot will cost the couple $607, a two-hour will cost around $971 and a four-hour shoot will approximately cost $1699. The rest of the details and services can be figured out while the couple and the photographer are on the final terms while making the contract and it differs from photographer to photographer. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Wedding Photographers in Phoenix

As a wedding platform, our number 1 job is to make sure the couple who are visiting us gets all the answers. There can be queries that you do not get to when listing or planning, but the questions and the doubts occur while executing and hiring the vendors for the wedding. 

Can I get a discount when I book my wedding photographer through Pyaari Weddings?

Pyaari Weddings is a South Asian vendor directory platform. Apart from listing the vendors, we have vetted their info and estimated their prices, and there are no further discounts on the prices from our end. 

Are wedding photographers listed on Pyaari Weddings?

Yes, we have 100+ wedding photographers from Phoenix listed on the platform with all their details, portfolio, ratings, reviews, and even prices. You can get in touch with them via the direct chat button or message the vendor with your requirements to know their availability and other details if any!

What other wedding services can I get from Pyaari Weddings?

Pyaari Weddings is a South Asian Wedding Planning platform helping couples plan their wedding in a more elegant, easy, and effortless way. Apart from getting a Wedding Photographers in Phoenix, you can also find other wedding vendors like Decorators, Caterers, Venues, Videographers, DJs, Henna, Makeup, and Officiants. We curated a list of vendors, vetted their info, and estimated their prices. 

All you have to do is - enter your city & requirements, look through vendors and save them to your ‘cart’ (with the heart button), and check out a customized wedding plan with an approximate budget.