Find the Perfect Wedding Photographers in Rockville

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You enter your city & requirements, look through vendors, and save them to your 'cart' ❤️, checking out with a customized, a-la-carte wedding plan.

Samshots Photo and Video

(39 review) / Rockville

Recipient of The Knot's Best of Awards from 2013 to 2020, Samshots Photo & Video boasts 20+ years' experience as leading wedding photographers. Based in Washington DC, their artistry immortalizes emotions, crafting vibrant, journalistic-style images ...

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Jessica Nazarova Photography

(25 review) / Rockville

Jessica Nazarova Photography adores easygoing individuals and joyful weddings filled with delectable cake. Each wedding, a distinctive and wonderful celebration of the couple, captures her heart. With a dream career as a wedding photographer, she tre...

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Winnie Dora Photography

(19 review) / Rockville

Winnie, a multi-faceted visionary - director, curator, and documentarian. Fuelled by heritage and the universal human narrative, she weaves captivating stories through her lens. With a heritage of refugees turned immigrants, she pieces together famil...

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RK Photography and Film

(20 review) / Rockville

RK Photography and Film are expert wedding photographers and videographers serving the DC, VA, MD region along with Aldie, VA. Specializing in South Asian, Indian, Pakistani, and American weddings. Our dedicated team captures and creates cherished mo...

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