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Akbar Sayed Photography

(67 review) / Virginia

Since its establishment in 2009, Akbar Sayed Photography has been adept at seizing cherished moments, whether grand or intimate. The team's devotion to creativity and quality ensures each client's satisfaction and comfort....

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AVS Photo and Video

(118 review) / Virginia

For more than ten years, AVS Photo & Video has expertly preserved cherished memories for its valued clients, vividly narrating stories of birthdays, graduations, weddings, and other significant life moments....

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Regetis Photography

(8 review) / Virginia

Regeti's Photography, a seasoned photography studio with years of experience, skillfully captures timeless moments, offering a blend of creativity and expertise for weddings, engagements, and other special occasions....

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Sarah Cramer Shields

(7 review) / Virginia

Sara possesses the ability to genuinely connect with others, unveiling their true essence with enthusiasm. Her passion for photography started early, revealing something extraordinary through the lens. With dual degrees in photography and anthropolog...

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Maria Fasih Studios

(37 review) / Virginia

Maria Fasih, the entrepreneur, artist, and photographer behind Maria Fasih Studios, is also a devoted mother of twins. With a portfolio spanning numerous joyful families, children, and couples, Maria's passion lies in capturing the intimate connectio...

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Potoks World Photography

(28 review) / Virginia

Anji and Pete are international wedding photographers who with a distinctive documentary style love to capture one-of-kind love stories for discerning couples and their families....

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S n K Works Photography

(10 review) / Virginia

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, S n K Works Photography craft vibrant, emotive images that encapsulate the essence of every occasion. Your memories, their artistry....

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Catch Motion Studio

(29 review) / Virginia

Catch Motion Studio blends photojournalism and art, creating modern yet timeless images. They embrace excitement, emotion, and the day's enjoyment, seeking golden light, dramatic lines, and cultural significance in their 500+ captured South Asian wed...

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Snowdrop Photography

(44 review) / Virginia

Infused with an ardor for art and storytelling, they embrace dreams-turned-reality. Blending Eastern humility with Western sophistication, they craft emotive work. A united team, they cherish history, fashion, and nature's beauty. From intimate to gr...

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Arazo Studios

(246 review) / Virginia

A creative powerhouse specializing in visual storytelling. With a passion for crafting captivating narratives, they produce exceptional video content. From concept to execution, Arazo Studios turns ideas into immersive visual experiences, leaving a l...

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Megan Rei Photography

(136 review) / Virginia

Megan is a DC-based wedding and dog photographer, open to travel. Her roots in Rochester, NY, inspire her love for exploring new places. Living with husband Neal and pup Rui, her photography style embraces candid authenticity, influenced by a childho...

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Marie Violet Photography

(40 review) / Virginia

Malie, a seasoned wedding photographer, weaves a captivating style, fusing a decade of experience. Infused with subtle grace and fashion-inspired finesse, her work resonates deep romance. She crafts soulful, spontaneous imagery, immortalizing your jo...

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