Find the Perfect Bridal Makeup Artists in Pittsburgh

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Bridal Makeup

Allison Roth Studio

(3 review) / Pittsburgh

Allison Roth is a licensed esthetician with over 25 years of expertise in the beauty industry. Her work has been published both locally and nationally in magazines, print and also online. She spacializes in bridal beauty and has trained with MAC Cosm...

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Phylicia is a licensed cosmetologist and has been interested in hair and makeup since the age of 2. She professionally trained at Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy in Erie and then started her hair and makeup business in 2015....

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Kiss and Makeup

(3 review) / Pittsburgh

Kiss and Makeup is an award-winning on-location hair and makeup service started by Lisa. She started her beauty journey after working as a director with Sephora for over five years and has been in the beauty industry for over 14 years....

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Glam To Go

(52 review) / Pittsburgh

Glam to Go is a beauty studio owned by Raquel. They provide hair, makeup and lashes service and have been featured in various prints. It is run by a team of professional and experience artists....

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Makeup With Ramsha

(1 review) / Pittsburgh

Ramsha is a Pittsburgh based makeup artist who has been in the wedding industry for over 10 years. She is Pittsburgh's highly sought-after makeup artist and specializes in bridal beauty....

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Saha Artistry

(38 review) / Pittsburgh

Saha Artistry is a leading beauty business who have been helping clients look and feel their best since 2008. It is run by Saha who is a certified Cosmetologist and provides her services on-site....

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Sheena Kaur - Hair and Makeup Artist

(5 review) / Pittsburgh

Sheena Kaur is a hair and makeup artist available to travel to your location....

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