Find the Perfect Wedding Venues in Stamford

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You pay a wedding planner $15k to find you vendors.

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We already found vendors, vetted them, and got their prices. We make some ad money. You save $15k. We both drink 🥂

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You enter your city & requirements, look through vendors, and save them to your 'cart' ❤️, checking out with a customized, a-la-carte wedding plan.

Event Type

Stamford Museum & Nature Center

(250 review) / Stamford

The Stamford Museum & Nature Center, located in Stamford, Connecticut, is an art, history, nature, and agricultural sciences museum. The 118-acre estate offers two distinct event venues where you can host the wedding of your dreams – the Bende...

Approximate Cost

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Bank Street Events

(17 review) / Stamford

Originally built in 1912 as a bank building, Bank Street Events is a historic wedding venue located downtown Stamford, Connecticut. The space can accommodate up to 250 guests cocktail style or 150 guests seated. Every detail is looked after by the in...

Approximate Cost

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Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa

(1399 review) / Stamford

From initial consultation with their Marriott Certified Wedding Planner to the menu tasting and final preparations, Satnford Marriott Hotel & Spa's main goal has always been to make their clients feel at ease and help them achieve their dream wedding...

Approximate Cost

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With ballrooms and spectacular outdoor reception facilities, The Hilton Stamford Hotel & Executive Meeting Center is a wedding venue with a spectacular blend of contemporary décor and gracious hospitality. ...

Approximate Cost

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The Stamford Hotel

(1118 review) / Stamford

With a three-story atrium area and sophisticated ballrooms, Sheraton Stamford Hotel is a wedding venue located in the heart of downtown Stamford. ...

Approximate Cost

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Serafina at the IC

(36 review) / Stamford

Conveniently located minutes away from the New England Thruway, Merritt Parkway and downtown Stamford, Serafina offers distinguished charm, Italian-inspired cuisine and an elegant setting. With a grand ballroom seating up to 600 guests, the venue is ...

Approximate Cost

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