Find the Perfect Wedding Venues in Kansas City

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Event Type

Marriott Kansas City Overland Park

(1598 review) / Kansas City

Marriott Kansas City Overland Park is a classic wedding venue located in Overland Park, Kansas. They offer over 12,000 square feet of ballroom space that can accomodate 700 guests at a time. ...

Approximate Cost

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Discover 14 indoor and outdoor versatile event venues for your next event, complemented by catering, event planning and audiovisual services at Sheraton Overland Park Hotel at the Convention Center. ...

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28 Event Space

(129 review) / Kansas City

28 Event Space is a wedding venue that is located in Kansas City. The venue offers two event spaces to choose from and both available with all kinds of amenities that will help the couple to organise the wedding of their choice....

Approximate Cost

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Hilton President Kansas City

(1159 review) / Kansas City

Hilton President Kansas City is a hotel wedding venue located in Kansas City, Missouri. The venue offers 12,000 square feet of event space with customisable elements. The venue also provide a team of professional to the clients to help them have a sm...

Approximate Cost

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The Grand Hall at Power & Light

(142 review) / Kansas City

Established in 1931, The Grand Hall at Power & Light is a unique wedding venue. With such decadence and splendor, the space can accommodate up to 500 guests, and offfers a spacious 72” round tables, banquet tables & cocktail tables. THey have b...

Approximate Cost

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La Villa

(21 review) / Kansas City

Located conveniently between The Plaza and Westport neighborhoods of Kansas City, Missouri, lies the classic beautiful Villa that is ideal for the couple who would love to have a wedding with a modern and contemporary vibe. ...

Approximate Cost

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Loose Mansion

(259 review) / Kansas City

In 1907, the Loose Mansion was designed to hold the fun and gala events of Kansas City. This fully restored mansion with a remarkable history is still home to the most elegant of evenings. ...

Approximate Cost

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The Jewel Event Space

(25 review) / Kansas City

The Jewel is a banquet-style wedding venue where the main banquet hall is fully customizable and can be created according to the couple's choice. ...

Approximate Cost

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Magnolia Venue & Urban Garden

(91 review) / Kansas City

Magnolia Venue & Urban Garden is located in the heart of Kansas City. The venue is fitted with original hardwood flooring and complete with an industrial design, with space that spans over 6,000 square feet. The venue accommodates up to 250 friends ...

Approximate Cost

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The Everly Event Space

(46 review) / Kansas City

The Everly Event Space is the ideal venue to celebrate your love story. They includes a bridal suite and an abundance of natural light, with large windows, and charming KC street views. Their event team will assist you in creating the most memorable ...

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Crestview Dairy Events

(64 review) / Kansas City

Crestview Dairy Events is a beautiful landscaped countryside with 31 acres of landscaped lawns and gardens and four different wedding locations to choose from. Their team can organise a beautiful wedding without any obstacle and the venue can accommo...

Approximate Cost

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The Guild

(108 review) / Kansas City

Offering an open setting, The Guild is a unique space suitable for a full range of occasions, including weddings, fundraisers, corporate and private parties. The venue offers 6,500 square feet of space that can accomodate 250-300 guests at a time. Th...

Approximate Cost

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Madrid Theatre

(380 review) / Kansas City

The Madrid Theatre is an award-winning location for weddings, corporate events, fundraisers, concerts and other special events. WIth an historic and unique setting the event space can accomodate upto 500 guests at a time. They have Personalized plann...

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Park Hall

(55 review) / Kansas City

Established in 1880s, The Park Hall is a owned and operated premier event venue located near down town Kansas City. ...

Approximate Cost

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The Harlow

(47 review) / Kansas City

Built in 1909, The Harlow is nestled in a beautifully restored building, located in the Kansas city. Their space can accommodate 175 seated guests, indoor ceremonies and up to 250 people for a cocktail style party....

Approximate Cost

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