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You pay a wedding planner $15k to find you vendors.

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We already found vendors, vetted them, and got their prices. We make some ad money. You save $15k. We both drink 🥂

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You enter your city & requirements, look through vendors, and save them to your 'cart' ❤️, checking out with a customized, a-la-carte wedding plan.

Indigo Event Design

(16 review) / Portland

Indigo event designs main goal is to make the event of the client fun, stree-free and beautiful beyond their expecations. They give 10% of their profit to the under-priviledge children....

Approximate Cost

Message Vendor


(19 review) / Portland

Event decor works closely with their clients and want them to sit back and enjoy....

Approximate Cost

Message Vendor

Marigold Design House

(0 review) / Portland

They are in this business from 2015 and they thrive to surpass and evolve the ir concept and passion for the events and decor....

Approximate Cost

Message Vendor

EJP Events

(15 review) / Portland

They thrive to work and turn the clients vision into reality and want the guests to have an experience they will never forget....

Approximate Cost

Message Vendor