Find the Perfect Wedding Venues in Montreal

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Event Type

Rialto Theatre

(964 review) / Montreal

Designated as a National Historic Site of Canada, The Rialto Theatre is a former movie palace located on Park Avenue in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ...

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PMG Group

(4 review) / Montreal

Plaza Management Group is one of the venues that was founded by Mr. Vincent Morena around 30 yesrs ago. It is also a venue known for organising weddings and parties. Al of their ten venues are located in very practical areas of Greater Montreal and t...

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Jardin Royalmount

(83 review) / Montreal

Jardin Royalmount is an open-air wedding venue located in the heart of Montreal, Quebec. comprises a team of event specialists who boast years of combined experience in the events industry. The team assists with all technical, design, sound, and ligh...

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Hotel Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth

(4230 review) / Montreal

With a modern and elegant ambience, Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth is a hotel and wedding venue situated in Montreal, Quebec. the 21-storey hotel has been a sophisticated place with a variety of rooms, each with a contemporary style. Their team of prof...

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Le Windsor Ballrooms

(346 review) / Montreal

With high-quality service, a dedicated staff, and a one-of-a-kind ambience, Le Windsor is a wedding venue located in Montreal, Quebec. They will provide an unforgettable setting for a variety of wedding-related celebrations, such as engagement partie...

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Restaurant L Ambroisie

(445 review) / Montreal

Restaurant L'Ambroisie is situated atop the banks of the Lachine Canal, and hosting wedding events are their speciality. ...

Approximate Cost

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Palace Convention Centre

(1135 review) / Montreal

Palace reception and convention hall specializes in complete organization of events for the past 20 years. THeir large majestic halls are perfect for hosting a event like wedding....

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Le Mount Stephen

(460 review) / Montreal

Le Mount Stephen boasts stylish and refined functions areas for hosting various events offering 6,500 square feet of event space. The venue features seven indoor venues including a fabulous ballroom, and also two outdoor terraces. They also offer exc...

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Le Salon Richmond

(67 review) / Montreal

Originally built in 1861 by the Saints Sulpicians, Salon Richmond 1861 is a historic gem that offers a multi-service, full-service event venue. The building is also surrounded by an urban garden and offers access to a terrace with a capacity of 250 p...

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Ritz-Carlton Montreal

(1832 review) / Montreal

Since 1912, Ritz-Carlton Montréal has been known to create an enchanting spell in a fairy-tale setting for upto 300 guests. THey understand that every wedding story is different and that is why their teamof organisers are professional and experien...

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Auberge de la Montagne Coupee

(486 review) / Montreal

Surrounded by snowmobile and cross-country skiing trails, this lodge in the scenic Lanaudière region features a restaurant, a variety of spa treatments, and offers 1 large room where up to 120 people can gather as well as 2 others rooms s...

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Le Crystal Salles De Reception

(468 review) / Montreal

If you are planning a modern, city wedding then Le Crystal Salles De Reception is the ideal venue. Including banquet hall and ballroom style dining spaces, they also offer customized LED lighting and a large dance floor. ...

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La Toundra - Parc Jean-Drapeau

(50 review) / Montreal

The multi-purpose "La Toundra" hall available for rental is ideal for wedding receptions, corporate meetings, office parties and product launches. ...

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Espace Gare Viger | Groupe Madison

(60 review) / Montreal

Espace Gare Viger offers couples great services for their big day. Situated in the heart of Montreal's Old Port, the venue specializes in creating amazing weddings and events with an industrial feel. ...

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Maison Principale

(63 review) / Montreal

Maison Principal is a unique wedding venue with elegant and luxurious details in both its architecture and its functionality. Apart from weddings, Maison Principal provides services such as bridal shower, engagement party, elopements, reception, rehe...

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