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(496 review) / Washington DC

IndAroma specializes in catering for South Asian Weddings. They cater both traditional to Indian fusion cuisine for Receptions, Sangeets, Henna parties, Holud/Haldi and all other events. ...

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Rasika Restaurant

(2016 review) / Washington DC

Rasika takes inspiration from an age old approach to dining in which they encourage the guests to choose a variety of appetizers and entrees to share with their dining companions. ...

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Pappe Catering Menu

(364 review) / Washington DC

Indian Food is all about soul and Pappe wants the people to enjoy that by cooking authentic dishes from India. the menu is focused primarily on north Indian cuisine with a few dishes from the south like Fish Chittinad, Allepey Fish Curry and Goan Cra...

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Rupa Vira

(53 review) / Washington DC

Rupa Vira offers and serves contemporary Indian fare to include specialty items like Black Currant Dahi Puri, Mango Chilli Paneer, and Kashmir Ki Kahaani as well as mouthwatering desserts such as Celebration Special, Holi Rasmalai, Ghevar, and more. ...

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Heritage India

(176 review) / Washington DC

Established in 1999, Heritage India provides authentic Indian cuisine to the greater Washington, DC area. They offers a wide range of meats and fishes to a mind-boggling variety of fresh vegetables, pulses, lentils cooked in different ways by the ind...

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Curry Place

(50 review) / Washington DC

Curry Place is an upscale place specializing in a traditional and different flavored curry plus house kababs, specific recipes focusing on the North Indian, Nepalese and Indo-Chinese Cuisine. ...

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Sacrificial Lamb

(274 review) / Washington DC

Experience a carnivorous delight at Sacrificial Lamb, where juicy lamb chops, marinated kebabs, and hearty stews take center stage, satisfying even the most discerning meat lover's cravings....

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Taj of India

(340 review) / Washington DC

Taj of India offers a vast menu of chicken, lamb, goat, seafood, and vegetarian dishes, as well as a selection of sweets and desserts all prepared from authentic Indian recipes. Taj of india is a well known caterer with years of experience in the foo...

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