Find the Perfect DJs in New Jersey

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M4U Events

(148 review) / New Jersey

With over 15 years of experience in this industry, M4U is an award-winning, full-service event production and entertainment company that has the experience and expertise to plan and execute any kind of event. They can provide their clients with an ex...

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Navya Entertainment

(51 review) / New Jersey

Navya Entertainment are professional DJ service along with engaging emceeing service. Their mission is to provide high quality entertainment to Indian community in United States by providing non-conventional entertainment....

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(116 review) / New Jersey

MVPDJs is an Award-Winning DJ entertainment company who strives to provide a friendly and reliable service, a stress-free booking process, and an unforgettable experience for each and every client....

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DJ Monu Entertainment

(17 review) / New Jersey

With over 27 years of production experience, DJ Monu Entertainment , dj’s and entertainment providers aim to bring you the very best of affordable, reliable, and professionally managed events. Their team has performed in front of thousands as ...

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Masato Events

(42 review) / New Jersey

Masato Events mission is to create a memory-filled event that the clients and their guests will never forget. Their DJs showcase their talents by live mixing the music they’ve organized and prepared specially for their client's event....

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Illusion Dj Entertainment

(65 review) / New Jersey

ILLUSION DJs specialize in Grand Weddings & Receptions for South Asian communities and provide entertainment services for all types of occasions. Their mission is to bring knowledgeable and skilled professionals, who are passionate and creative about...

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TWK Events

(85 review) / New Jersey

Established in 1998, TWK offer the best rated DJs in NJ (English & Spanish Latin DJs) with awesome photography & video service for the quality minded....

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DJ Santokh & MC Sid Entertainment

(46 review) / New Jersey

DJ Santokh & MC Sid Entertainment provide personalized service, exceptional packages, and most importantly, superior customer service from start to finish....

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Music Life Entertainment

(15 review) / New Jersey

Founded in 2010, Music Life Entertainment is a premier and high rated South Asian entertainment company. Their team includes experienced, energetic, and communicative members who are always one step ahead....

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Premier Entertainment

(5 review) / New Jersey

Established in 2009, Premier Entertainment has become one of the most popular and highly touted nightclub DJs in the country. They are also one of the top South Asian DJ companies with worldwide recognition and respect....

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D & S Event Solutions

(21 review) / New Jersey

With their top quality music and innovative lighting services, D & S Event Solutions brings the highest quality of entertainment for those searching beyond the expected. With over 15 years of experience, and motivated team, our members come together ...

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Amplifire Entertainment

(3 review) / New Jersey

Established in 2011, with their experienced and professional DJs, engaging emcees, and exquisite theatrical performers/celebrity guests, strives to provide their clients with quality and perfection. Through their precision, attention to detail and de...

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DJ Ripple - RS Entertainment

(20 review) / New Jersey

Being in a business for years, DJ Ripple have experience with all different types of crowds, whether its younger or older, modern or traditional, and energetic or reserved. They provide a wide variety of music to suit any mood at any event on any occ...

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