Find the Perfect DJs in Texas

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You enter your city & requirements, look through vendors, and save them to your 'cart' ❤️, checking out with a customized, a-la-carte wedding plan.

Texas Pro DJ

(178 review) / Texas

Texas Professional Disc jockey is an Austin, TX based DJ company that serves the entire state and beyond. They have been providing services for events like weddings since 1999....

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Dj Riz Entertainment

(169 review) / Texas

DJ Riz Entertainment has won multiple awards and have been recognized for being the best DJs in the country. They specialise in South Asian events and can provide DJ & Lighting services for your Garba, Sangeet, Mehndi, Pithi, Baraat, Wedding Ceremoni...

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DBI - Dhol Beat International

(8 review) / Texas

DBI are a one of the leading DJ companies in this business from the past 15 years. The success of Dhol Beat International is due to the attention to detail and personal service that ensures everything will go smoothly at the event....

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