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Padmakar D. Gangatirkar

( review) / Austin

Padmakar D. Gangatirkar, a seasoned officiant well-versed in Hindu traditions, offers expert guidance to ensure a seamless wedding ceremony from start to finish....

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Islamic Society of South Texas

(12 review) / Austin

The Islamic Society Of South Texas, situated in McAllen, Texas, includes a mosque for daily prayers and a gender-segregated multi-purpose hall utilized for community dinners, iftars, social gatherings, and various events....

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Gurdwara Sahib Austin

(31 review) / Austin

The first established Gurdwara in Austin, Texas, known as Austin Gurdwara Sahib, serves as a sacred space for the local Sikh community. This non-profit organization is registered with the IRS and the State of Texas, commencing operations on April 13,...

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