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Arizona Sikh Gurdwara

(74 review) / Phoenix

The Sikh Religious Society of Arizona, a non-profit organization, actively serves the Sikh community in Arizona. In 1999, they established Arizona Sikh Gurdwara at 1129 E Sheridan Street in Phoenix, marking a significant moment in Sikh history in Ari...

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Guru Nanak Dwara

(163 review) / Phoenix

Founded in 1970, Guru Nanak Dwara, Arizona's inaugural Gurdwara, remains a thriving spiritual hub in downtown Phoenix....

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BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir

(97 review) / Phoenix

BAPS Swaminarayan temples promote individual and communal worship, guided by Pramukh Swami Maharaj. These temples not only nurture spiritual growth but also impart Hindu cultural knowledge and engage in community service initiatives....

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Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona

(654 review) / Phoenix

In May 1999, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami gifted a 1400 lb. granite Ganesha statue to Arizona's Hindu community, which was carved in South India and officially established as a non-profit temple in March 2000....

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Sri Venkata Krishna Kshetra Temple

(554 review) / Phoenix

The Sri VenkataKrishna Kshetra temple in Arizona, with priests trained at Sri Puthige Vidhya Peeta in India under Sri Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji, delivers religious services and upholds sampradaya traditions, enhancing devotees' spiritual experi...

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Islamic Community Center of Tempe

(654 review) / Phoenix

ICC Tempe strives to lead in community development through quality religious, social, educational, and outreach programs, empowering Muslims for a positive community impact....

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Islamic Community Center of Phoenix

(178 review) / Phoenix

Established in the early 1980s by North Valley Muslims, the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix relocated to its current mosque (formerly a church) in 1997. Relying solely on member donations, ICCP acquired adjacent land and completed phase one of a ...

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