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Hindu Temple and Cultural Center

(1298 review) / Seattle

The HTCC initiative, initiated in the early 1980s, addressed the community's need for a worship space. Land acquisition concluded in 1994, and Phase I plans were finalized by 1999. The construction permit was granted in late 2001, marking a significa...

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Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple

(28 review) / Seattle

Over the past twelve years, Jaya Hanuman Temple and Cultural Center, led by dedicated volunteers, has witnessed numerous transformative experiences for thousands of devotees. Committed to spreading SPH's teachings, they actively engage in community e...

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(135 review) / Seattle

The SS aims to create and maintain a Shirdi Sai Temple in Seattle, WA, providing worship services akin to the Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir in India. Future plans involve expanding the Seattle site to include Baba's temple, staff residences, a multipur...

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