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Event Type

Darbar Catering

(22 review) / New York

Darbar Catering has been a catering company for over 25 years in the NYC area. They have a dedicated catering staff in NYC with a kitchen staff of chefs, waitstaff, event planners and venues. ...

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Chand Palace

(926 review) / New York

Mr. Balwinder Bajaj, is the man whose hard work and vision has made Chand Palace what it is today: one of the premier Indian restaurants in New Jersey. Now it is managed by Mr. Bajaj’s brother-in-law, Sunny, who also serves as Head Chef. Chand ...

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Catering by Tandoor

(0 review) / New York

Tandoor Caterers provides professional catering services for every occasions. Their executive chefs have carefully designed the Indian menus to make them adaptable for events of all types....

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Moghul Catering

(149 review) / New York

Moghul Caterers has been serving people in a wedding for over two decades throughout the US. Whether it’s South Asian, North Indian, South Indian, Gujarati, Chinese, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, Italian cuisines or a mix of many that you desire, th...

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Flavors by Jyoti Soni

(5 review) / New York

Flavors by Jyoti Soni, has an creative and innovative style that reflects the dynamics of the South Asian generation of today, while preserving the traditional flavors of the past....

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Saar Indian Cuisine and Bar

(252 review) / New York

Established in 2018, their goal is to show an evolved Indian cuisine which is eaten at home and want the customer to experience the real taste of Indian home cuisine. At SAAR, they strive to create the most comfortable and safe ambiance for our diner...

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(385 review) / New York

Established in 2014. the chef Gaurav Anand brought a unique regional Indian cuisine to the Upper West Side with the opening of Awadh. Awadh showcases the cooking traditions of its namesake northern Indian region along with a sophisticated wine and co...

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Benares Caterers

(1625 review) / New York

Known for their authentic Indian cuisine, Benares Caterers offers a delectable blend of flavors from various regions of India. Their meticulously crafted dishes, rich in spices and aromatic herbs, transport diners to the vibrant streets of Benares. I...

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Global Culinary Experience

(266 review) / New York

Embark on a gastronomic adventure at Global Culinary Experience, where innovative fusion cuisine takes center stage. With a menu inspired by flavors from around the world, this restaurant surprises and delights with its creative combinations and arti...

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Nirvana Catering

( review) / New York

Nirvana Catering is synonymous with heavenly vegetarian fare. Known for their plant-based delights, this restaurant offers a diverse selection of dishes, from traditional Indian classics to innovative vegetarian creations. With a focus on fresh, loca...

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(2040 review) / New York

A modern Indian brasserie, SONA redefines traditional Indian cuisine with a contemporary twist. Helmed by a Michelin-starred chef, the restaurant showcases a marriage of bold flavors and refined techniques. With its elegant ambiance, innovative cockt...

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Jewel of lndia Catering

(7 review) / New York

The Jewel of India Catering brings the royal flavors of India to the heart of New York. With a regal touch in every dish, this restaurant offers a curated menu featuring culinary gems from across the country. From aromatic curries to delicate dessert...

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