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Vedacharya Sandip Shastri Pandharpurkar

(36 review) / Indianapolis

Pandit Sandip Shastri Ji, hailing from a lineage of Vedic Priests in Pandharpur, Maharashtra, was immersed in Vedic teachings from generations. After education at Veda Pathashala in Pune and Kamakoti Peetham, he pursued advanced studies in Varanasi u...

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HTCI Hindu Temple

(228 review) / Indianapolis

The Hindu Temple of Central Indiana (HTCI) was inaugurated on February 5, 2006, making it the first Hindu Temple in Indiana. With a mission to cater to the spiritual needs of Central Indiana’s Hindu families, it reflects the diversity of Hindu fait...

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Masjid Al Mumineen Indianapolis

(85 review) / Indianapolis

Established in 2001, Masjid Al Mumineen, a community masjid, has been in its current location since 2003. With a positive relationship between the masjid and the community, it serves as a hub for worship and social services, offering referrals, food ...

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